
Rmsd in coot software
Rmsd in coot software

rmsd in coot software

Whenever you want to validate your structure/data, at any time

rmsd in coot software

Why are calculated R factors different from what author reported, especially for BUSTER? Why is LLDF so high while RSR value is reasonably low for my ligands? Why is EDS server not made available for me to re-calculate RSR? Why does the validation report list RSRZ outliers when my examination of the refined electron density map shows that these residues have a good fit to density?

rmsd in coot software

Validation report contents: X-ray specific Why are Mogul statistics not made available for me to analyze? Why are there inconsistencies in the ligand report between preliminary report generated at anonymous validation/deposition server and final report sent by PDB staff post annotation? What ligand geometry standards do PDB use and why are they different from REFMAC/PHENIX/BUSTER? Why are there so many geometry outliers for my ligand? How does PDB validate the geometry of ligand molecules? Validation report contents: ligand geometry How can I view validation results in a molecular graphics program like Coot? Why are there clashes reported between hydrogen atoms that are not present in the deposited model? Why do REMARK 500 and the validation report differ? What to do if you think a validation report for a structure gets things wrong. The percentile ranks for an entry have changed since last year - why? Can I get a validation report for an existing structure in the PDB? Validation reports for existing PDB structures Is the validation package available for me to assess my structures? Where can I get more information on the wwPDB Validation Server? Can I get a validation report for my own intermediate or unpublished structure? I have deposited a structure with the PDB but not received a report. How much control do authors have over the release of information? What is the timing on making information about a deposited structure publicly available? What is the timing for releasing the coordinates, etc.? What information will be made available about a deposited structure before the coordinates and experimental data are released? Validation reports and the deposition process The validation report is too long with very long tables of outliers - how can I see a shorter version? The validation report only lists up to 5 outliers - what if I want to see more? What is a 'Preliminary' Validation Report? What are the different types of validation reports?

Rmsd in coot software